At last after 10 years ago we screwing around in East Jakarta underground scene, here it come the revival of the Cijantung Metalheads Community, taking place where the scene was growing is GOR Condet East Jakarta, it's kinda cool reunion for the movement compare to other metal music events has been held lately.unsafe would like to shout a big thanks to Mr.Nakem Alter Scream for bringing back the excitement of the underground movement that day (even if not everyone that excited). And salute to Mr. Cham Pret for being a original underground scene guerrilla.
This is our first performance in the year 2011 with new line up since the band set in saturation point, and this is our first blog page ever made. We feel so happy and proud coz we meet some friends from the past who know us and always support us from the beginning till present and they came just for see our performance that day.
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